Sunday, June 24, 2012

Blogger Serabutan

Free Download Android Apps: Fast Burst Camera Full v3.0.8 By Spritefish


About This App:

Rating: (738)
Updated: June 22, 2012
Current Version: 3.0.8
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Category: Photography
Size: 1.6M
Price: $3.38
Content Rating: Everyone
Average rating: 4.4 From 738 Users


Take up to 30 photos per second with this high-speed camera application

This is the fastest camera app available for Android. Not even the newest iPhones are able to shoot this fast.

Fast Burst Camera is capable of taking 30 photos per second.
( on low-end devices, 5-10 photos per second is possible )

Hold shoot button for continuous burst, or tap for fast single shots.
Zero shutter lag - pictures are taken as soon as shutter button is pressed.

★ Supports flash, focus and zoom. Shutter sound can be turned of.

★ Great for
- sports shots
- pictures of kids or pets
- party camera
- taking a burst of pictures in an important situation, and pick the best later
- analyse your golf swing frame-by-frame
- Parkour shots

★ Tips for good burst photos
- get as much light as possible - especially when capturing things or people in motion
- keep the camera steady
- hold the shoot button for continuous bursts, and pick the good shots later

★ Support : email me at All mail will be answered.
I stand by my products - if you experience a problem, I'll will either fix it or refund your purchase.

Note : due to the high speed, pictures are not taken in the highest resolution possible.
Zoom and flash not available on all devices.

What's New:

- fixed issue when deleting photos ( they would still remain in the Gallery app)
- added support for Korean and danish language


Hardware controls
take pictures and videos
Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This allows the app at any time to collect images the camera is seeing.
modify/delete USB storage contents modify/delete SD card contents
Allows the app to write to the USB storage. Allows the app to write to the SD card.


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Blogger Serabutan

Blogger Serabutan

Seseorang yg hanya ingin membuat Tuhan tersenyum riang dan sesekali tertawa melihat kehidupannya sambil berkata "AKU tidak pernah menyesal menciptakan engkau!" - It's Me @djnand

Ferdinand is my name, djnand is my nickname, and Blogger Serabutan is my identity.

Beberapa temen blog lebih suka manggil saya Kang Dije, beberapa temen netter lebih suka manggil saya Um Jee, dan hampir semua temen saya di dunia nyata manggil saya Dije atau Ferdinand.